The Monster Brush has the right size for any larger models such as Dragons, Trolls, Warmachines and Vehicles. This brush is made from the finest Toray synthetic due to the fact that a sable brush of this size could potentially drown a miniature in paint - whereas the Toray releases the paint slower.
Apple Green (Eliban) - $12.50
Aurora (Player's Choice) - $12.50
Black (Rhipodon) - $12.50
Blood Red - $12.50
Blue (Dennaesor) - $12.50
Clear (Angrozh) - $12.50
Copper (Draco Primus) - $12.50
Dragon Shield Matte Sleeve - 100ct
Apple Red - $12.00
Arctic White - $12.00
Hot Pink - $12.00
Jet Black - $12.00
Lime Green - $12.00
Pacific Blue - $12.00
Pumpkin Orange - $12.00
Ultra PRO - Eclipse Matte Standard Sleeves, 100ct
Anniversary Special Edition - $14.99
Crypt - $14.99
Ember - $14.99
Eucalyptus - $14.99
Fury - $14.99
Glacier - $14.99
Lagoon - $14.99
Dragon Shield - Matte Dual Sleeves